Unfortunately I haven't been able to purchase a good second recreational private hot air balloon. But I am hopeful that I will be able to buy one, once the MS foundation is up and running with a regular paycheck. As soon as I'm able, the new balloon will give me to abilities to get better and better gaining more and more confidence in the air. As they say.... "It take up to 100 hours in the air as PILOT in COMMAND before you can begin to change the relationship you have with ballooning." Either "You take control the balloon or it. The only way Im going to be able achieve total control is for me to gain more and more air time with my own balloon. (Confidence = Experience ) The day I have my very own balloon will be one of the greatest days of my life.
The above pic is of the ZORRO balloon.
~ The 1st solo flight Balloon ~
Pretty balloon.
Last One Speaks.
Oh and good luck on the license. I always not getting my ticket when I had the chance.
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